3D printing changes the future of life

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, mainly refers to the technology of rapidly constructing objects by layer-by-layer printing using adhesive-bondable materials based on digital model files. 3D printing technology is one of the most advanced and cutting-edge manufacturing methods available. Perhaps in most people's minds, 3D printing is more of a conceptual technology that exists in scientific research. It feels that 3D printers are cumbersome, expensive, and have limited printing. But in fact, with the rapid development of 3D printing technology in recent years, 3D printing products have rapidly shifted from laboratory to practical applications, and have already emerged in the fields of aerospace, biomedical, automotive, machinery, etc., with 3D printing application technology. With its ever-changing, its diversified products will surely bring about earth-shaking changes in people's daily lives in the near future.

Israel is a world-renowned country of technological innovation and a global leader in the development and application of 3D printing technology. Recently, the reporter visited several Israeli 3D printing innovation application companies, further understanding the magical charm of 3D printing and the significance of promoting social development.

Promote the medical revolution

In recent years, with the rapid development of 3D printing applications, 3D printing simulation experimental medical program development, personalized 3D printing capsules, 3D printing human implants and other innovative technological achievements have added vitality to the development of the world medical level. Eyar Miller, head of the Israeli health care company SBU, said that according to statistics from the statistics department, the global 3D printed biomedical market in 2016 has reached 710 million US dollars, and the forecast for 2025 will reach 3.51 billion US dollars. Products are creating one miracle after another in the medical world.

Miller highlighted the importance of 3D printing to restore human organ models for the development of more precise, comprehensive and effective personalized treatment programs and medical practice training for patients. Miller pointed out that using 3D printing organ model technology has four major advantages. First, the design of the treatment plan for the patient to the end of the treatment process is based on the human organ model test, which greatly enhances the accuracy of the treatment plan. Second, it can be repeated before surgery to perform a comprehensive rehearsal to help surgery. The surgeon selects the optimal surgical position and angle. The third is that the 3D printed materials are healthy and environmentally friendly. They can be tested in any environment without considering the biological hazard prevention problem. Fourth, as long as the data model is stored, the corresponding data can be quickly printed out at any time. Organ model. Taking brain surgery in patients with brain tumors as an example, because the brain is very sensitive and dangerous, it takes a doctor to find the most suitable orientation and angle in a short time when removing the brain tumor, which brings great difficulty to the operation. challenge. The application of 3D printing technology perfectly solves this problem. 3D printing technology can restore the biological model of the patient's brain in a very short time by means of the patient's brain data. Doctors can repeat the simulation surgery through these models and constantly improve. Surgery and treatment options. At the same time, these human organ models are also very important for the practical training of new doctors, allowing young doctors to accumulate a wealth of practical experience before actually entering the operating room.

The 3D Printing Research Center of the Hebrew University of Israel has also developed a practical 3D printing capsule for medicine. The technology quickly tailors individualized medications to the patient's needs, enabling them to accurately release the drug at the target location. The technology has been able to quickly print complex drugs as needed. These drugs can be star-shaped, diamond-shaped, round, etc. in shape, can expand, change shape, and activate and release drugs at predetermined times. For example, the technology can preset the time to allow the pill to reach the intestinal tract and then activate and release, so that the interference of gastric acid on the drug can be effectively avoided, and the optimal therapeutic effect can be achieved.

Leading food and beverage fashion

With the maturity of 3D printing application technology, 3D printed food has gradually been transferred from theoretical research to market applications. In recent years, many 3D printing startups in Israel have made breakthroughs in 3D printing meat. In the early years of the catering industry, there were many vegetarian meats. These simulated meat ingredients were still vegetarian products such as soy products. They mainly relied on chef cooking techniques to simulate the meat taste and could not be compared with real meat. 3D printed meat products are completely different. 3D printed meat products use a complex digital model to create simulated meat that is highly consistent with real meat products, from the most basic units, from mouthfeel to appearance to nutrition.

Jet-Eat is an Israeli 3D food printing startup founded in early 2018. Jet-Eat creates models through complex 3D data, replicating and authenticating with plant protein, fat and several other natural, healthy and sustainable ingredients. Beef is very similar to vegetarian beef. The company's founder and CEO Ben Shetreat believes that 3D printed vegetarian beef has a huge advantage over traditional beef. First of all, 3D printed beef is a zero-cholesterol food, rich in plant fiber and various nutrients, which is more conducive to human health than traditional beef. Secondly, 3D printed beef is much less stressful on the environment and resources than traditional beef. The production of one kilogram of traditional beef consumes about 20,000 liters of water and more than 20 kilograms of beef feed. 3D printed beef consumes only a small amount of healthy ingredients and does not. Any negative impact on the environment. Third, 3D printing beef is very fast and convenient. At present, Jet-Eat's 3D printer can print vegetarian beef equivalent to the amount of beef produced by the two-year-old calf in two weeks. Finally, the cost of 3D printing beef is decreasing. At present, the cost of 3D printing beef is basically the same as that of traditional beef. With the continuous development of this technology, the cost of 3D printing beef will continue to decrease, and the market competitiveness will continue to increase. broad.

Shelter said that Jet-Eat will continue to test and improve the product in about half a year, and then start to launch into the catering industry. In addition to the Israeli local market, the company plans to find strategic partners in Europe and North America. Jet-Eat is not the only 3D printing food company in Israel that is ready to enter the market. Savor-Eat, based in the Hebrew University 3D Printing Research Center, has also made breakthroughs in the field of 3D printed meat products. The 3D print cartridges developed by the company are made of plant fiber and have a shelf life of up to 6 at room temperature. Months have greatly reduced food preservation, transportation and inventory costs. The head of the company, Weizman, said that he has started research cooperation with Israeli and overseas catering industry partners and said that he will “destroy” the existing catering market. I believe that in the near future, we can taste convenient, fast and delicious 3D printed burgers, steaks and other foods in restaurants.

Light up the beautiful mood

In addition to aviation, medical, automotive, food and other large-scale industries, 3D printing products have also inadvertently entered people's clothing, food, housing, entertainment and leisure activities, constantly adding beautiful scenery to our daily life, creating fresh surprises and joy.

Ripples is an Israeli 3D printing innovation company founded in 2014. It uses 3D printing technology to print colorful images and texts in beverages such as coffee and beer, so that customers can enjoy different surprises and experiences while enjoying drinks. . Ripples CEO told reporters that Ripples' 3D printers have been able to "print" pictures and text very clearly onto coffee and beer foam, and the higher the resolution of the pictures and text transmitted to the machine, the higher the print The better the effect, the more we can restore a world map in the milk foam of a cup of coffee if the customer wants it. At the same time, the West also said that the materials used in the Ripples printer cartridges are completely extracted from natural foods, which are harmless to human health and can be safely consumed.

Hilton Tel Aviv is one of the Ripples users, and the hotel's restaurant manager assistant Yanif Kanaf told reporters. The technology of 3D printing coffee is very magical. We can send customers a warm greeting such as "Good Morning", "Happy Birthday" and "Happy Journey" every day, or customize the beautiful photos of lovers photos, constellations and zodiac. Let customers enjoy a surprise while enjoying delicious coffee, and light up the beautiful mood of the day. Kanaf said that in addition to coffee, Ripples' 3D printer can also print pictures and texts of beer. During the 2018 Football World Cup, the beer printed with the national flags of the participating countries was highly praised by the fans.

With the continuous development and advancement of technology, 3D printing will definitely create more miracles for our future life and bring more exciting.
